Thursday, August 16, 2018

Benefits Of Spirulina

Spirulina : 'Miracle' High-Protein Super Food
DOSAGE : 1 capsule - after breakfast, 1 capsule - after dinner.

           Imagine a plant that can nourish your body by providing most of the protein you need to live, help prevent the annoying sniffling and sneezing of allergies, reinforce your immune system, help you control high blood pressure and cholesterol, and help protect you from cancer. Does such a "super food" exist? 

Yes. It’s called spirulina.

         Unlike plants you may grow in your garden, this "miracle" plant is a form of blue-green algae that springs from warm, fresh water bodies. 

       Spirulina is a cyanobacterium that can be consumed by humans and animals and is made primarily from two species of cyanobacteria: Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima.

How Spirulina Helped Save Millions from Arsenic Poisoning:

        Most of us take clean, healthy drinking water for granted. Unfortunately, in some countries like Bangladesh, it is a luxury. As I stated in this previous article, much of the Bangladesh water supply is loaded with arsenic and up until the mid-1990s, little could be done to treat dying arsenic poisoning patients. 

         Bangladeshi researchers conducted a three-month-hospital-based study, where spirulina was given to 33 patients while 17 received placebo doses. 82 percent of those taking spirulina showed tremendous improvement. 

Phycocyanin from Spirulina Shown to Have Similar Effect to Bilirubin (a well-known antioxidant) in Kidney Cell Protection:
          Phycocyanin and Phycocyanobilin from Spirulina platensis Protect against Diabetic Nephropathy by Inhibiting Oxidative Stress. 

        The pathogenesis of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) remains unclear, but accumulating data suggest oxidative stress and the relationship between inflammation and immunity plays a crucial role. The aim of this study is to investigate the spirulina, which is a blue-green algae rich in proteins and other nutritional elements, and its component-phycocyanin effect on a rat model of NASH. NASH model rats were established by feeding male Wistar rats with choline-deficient high-fat diet (CDHF) and intermittent hypoxemia by sodium nitrite challenge after 5 weeks of CDHF.

           After experimental period of 10 weeks, blood and liver were collected to determine oxidative stress injuries and efficacies of spirulina or phycocyanin on NASH model rats. In the NASH model rats, increase in plasma liver enzymes and liver fibrosis, increases in productions of reactive oxygen species from liver mitochondria and from leukocytes, the activation of nuclear factor-kappa B, and the change in the lymphocyte surface antigen ratio (CD4(+)/CD8(+)) were observed.

        The spirulina and phycocyanin administration significantly abated these changes. The spirulina or phycocyanin administration to model rats of NASH might lessen the inflammatory response through anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory mechanisms, breaking the crosstalk between oxidative stress and inflammation, and effectively inhibit NASH progression. 

Spirulina is considered by many medical doctors, scientists, and nutrition experts to be one of the world’s most powerful superfoods. What is it?
         It’s an algae. Yes, you heard right- algae. Is it pond scum? Well, that’s how it’s often joked about, but in fact, it is an algae that grows in pristine, highly concentrated salt lakes, at a high pH. 

     What can spirulina do for you? One of it’s most impressive attributes is that it is amazingly high in protein – 60%-65% protein, in fact. In comparison, meat and fish products are between 15% and 35% protein, and beans are about 6-11% protein. So, not only is spirulina high in protein, but spirulina’s protein is highly absorbable, far more so than animal protein. Spirulina contains all 8 essential amino acids. For these reasons, spirulina is a favorite plant protein among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. 

          Many people report that eating spirulina regularly helps them feel more balanced and grounded, and feel that their mental focus and clarity is better. Many also share that spirulina consumption reduces their sugar and junk food cravings. Also, spirulina’s densely packed protein and nutrition makes it a food that will satisfy your hunger for longer periods of time- and that’s great for WEIGHT LOSS AND maintenance. 

          Spirulina is high in chlorophyll, which is what allows all plants, spirulina included, to convert energy from the sun. Chorophyll, consumed internally, builds healthy blood, resulting in better circulation and less inflammation. It also strengthens immunity and creates a youthing effect on the body. 

            Spirulina contains iron, vitamins A, E, and K, and some of the B- vitamins. It contains enzymes, minerals, phytonutrients, and has beneficial fatty acids such as DHA and GLA. Spirulina can have an anti-viral effect on the body. 

           So, this green algae stuff sounds great for your body, but what’s its history? Where does it come from? Well, it’s actually been used by indigenous cultures for centuries, including the ancient Aztec civilizations. The Aztecs prized Spirulina, which they harvested from Lake Texcoco in Mexico. It has also been a staple in the diet of the native people of Chad, Africa, where it grows profusely in pristine, salt water lakes. 

            Spirulina is usually dried or dehydrated and the water extracted into a powder or pressed into a shape like “tabs” or “crunchies”. Or, if you’re ready to get your green lips on, you can check out info and inspiration on the blog, you can get your own spirulina, you can try some recipes out, and more!

An Immune-System Power-Boost -- Spirulina’s Impact on Candida and AIDS:
            According to a study done by the Department of Aquaculture in Taiwan, spirulina shows significant immune-boosting properties. Researchers exposed white shrimp to seawater containing a hot-water extract of spirulina before transferring them to seawater with a pH level of 6.8. The control group was not exposed to spirulina. 

         The shrimp exposed to the spirulina seawater showed a faster and more promising recovery rate to the high levels of pH than those not given the dose of spirulina first. Now, let’s take a look at what this immune-system boosting power can mean for you.

          If you have an autoimmune disease such as Crohn’s disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Lupus or fibromyalgia, chronic candida yeast can both cause and worsen your symptoms. Spirulina has been shown to encourage and support the growth of healthy bacterial flora in your gut, which can help keep candida overgrowth under control.

          Drugs such as AZT used to treat HIV and AIDS patients can actually cause the symptoms they are supposed to cure. However,spirulina has been shown to help inactivate the human immunodeficiency virus associated with HIV and AIDS.

Nothing to Sneeze At:
           If you suffer from seasonal or perennial allergies, you’re not alone. Millions of people are allergic to pollen, ragweed, dust, mold, pet dander, and a myriad other environmental contaminants, ensuring the makers of Kleenex will always stay in business.

         Unfortunately, many people who have allergic rhinitis treat it with prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that often do more harm than good. Antihistamines are designed to suppress your immune system, which leads to decreased resistance to disease and dependence on the drug. Certain asthma drugs have been linked to serious side effects as well. 

        This is where natural methods such as the use of spirulina come in. According to one study, patients treated with spirulina reported relief of symptoms commonly associated with allergic rhinitis, such as nasal discharge and congestion, sneezing and itching, when given spirulina.

Balances Blood Pressure:
        High blood pressure (hypertension) is a serious health concern that affects millions of Americans today. If you have high blood pressure, you are at increased risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke. 

         The good news is, following a healthy nutritional plan, getting adequate exercise and applying stress modification techniques such as the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) can help normalize blood pressure and get you back on track to optimal health. According to a study done by the Department of Biochemistry in Mexico, 4.5 grams of spirulina given each day was shown to regulate blood pressure among both women and men ages 18-65 years with no other dietary changes made during the six weeks the experiment was run.

Help to Normalize Cholesterol Naturally:
           Are you on a cholesterol medication? Tens of millions of people take cholesterol-lowering medications every day and, according to "experts," millions more should be taking them, including children! If you are skeptical about this recommendation please see this page, which contains a list of articles addressing the dangers of statin drugs. 

Statin drugs are responsible for a host of unwanted and dangerous side effects including: 

· Sexual dysfunction 
· Anemia 
· Immune depression 
· Acidosis 
· Pancreas or liver dysfunction (including a potential increase in liver enzymes) 
· Cataracts 
· Increased cancer risk 

             Cholesterol-lowering medications have also been linked to severe muscle problems such as polyneuropathy (nerve damage in the hands and feet) and rhabdomyolysis (a serious degenerative muscle tissue condition). There is even evidence to suggest that taking statins can increase your risk of developing Lou Gehrig’s disease. 

        Thankfully, there are natural ways to lower your cholesterol. Avoiding fructose and grains, and getting appropriate exercise top the list, but spirulina may also help. According to a study done on elderly male and female patients ages 60-87, those given eight grams of spirulina per day for 16 consecutive weeks showed lower cholesterol levels than those who were given a placebo.

Lowers Stroke Risk:
            Those with sickle-cell anemia or congenital heart defects are at greater risk for a condition called brain ischemia or cerebral ischemia. Brain ischemia refers to a lack of blood flow to your brain, which causes oxygen deprivation and can lead to a stroke. Just 10 seconds of interrupted blood flow to your brain can cause unconsciousness and lead to serious health consequences. 

          In a study done at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology in India, it was found that a dosage of 180mg/kg of spirulina had a protective effect on the brain and nervous system of rats exposed to high amounts of free radicals, compared to rats not given the spirulina before the experiment. This lab test shows the promising effect of spirulina on stroke prevention.

Helps Reduce Cancer Risk:
             Cancer is the leading killer of adult Americans under age 70 and in the case of this frightening disease, prevention is worth much more than a pound of cure. It could literally save your life. 

         My first recommendation in cutting your cancer risk is to eliminate sugar/fructose, grains, and processed foods from your diet. Additives such as fructose feed cancer cells and help them to thrive. I also recommend healthy sun exposure, which will boost your levels of natural vitamin D and help cut your cancer risk by half! 

        But spirulina may have potential benefits here as well. According to a study done in China, selenium-infused spirulina inhibited the growth of MCF-7 breast cancer cells.

Healthy for Vegetarians - More Protein than Red Meat:
          When you think of protein, you probably imagine sitting down to a meal of organic eggs or grass-fed beef or maybe even drinking a whey protein shake. 

          If you’re a vegetarian, you may turn to plant-protein sources such as nuts, beans, lentils, and soy products. Unfortunately, soy is not the health food it claims to be. None of the above-mentioned sources of protein compare to the protein punch delivered by spirulina. Spirulina is 65-71 percent complete protein compared to beef, which is only 22 percent, and lentils, which is only 26 percent.

         In addition to being protein-rich, spirulina is an excellent source of vital amino acids and minerals easily assimilated by your body. You would need to consume only two tablespoons of spirulina as a protein substitute for a meal.

Optimal Spirulina - Types and Dosing:
           There are many types of spirulina out there so it is important to do your homework before making a purchase. Since spirulina grown in an uncontrolled environment has the potential to become contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins, it is important to choose organic spirulina from a reputable source. 

           Spirulina comes in capsules, tablets, powders and flakes. The recommended daily dose is typically between three to five grams. You can spread the dose out to twice or three times a day if you like. It is safe to take higher doses, but this is a good place to start. Remember to increase your intake of spring or filtered water when taking spirulina to help it absorb into your system.

An Important Note on Dosing:
           In addition to being your powerhouse of essential vitamins and minerals, spirulina is a potent detoxifier. For that reason, it is best to start with a small dose and work your way up. Once you see how your body responds, you can then gradually increase your intake.

Potential Adverse Reactions:
           Spirulina is a safe source of protein, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that has been used for centuries. Though there are no known side effects associated with spirulina, your body may react to it based on your current state of health. Let’s take a look at some of those reactions, what they mean, and what you can do to alleviate them. 

The most prominent reactions you may experience are: 

· Slight Fever - The high protein content in spirulina increases metabolism, which may elevate body temperature. 

· Dark Green Waste Matter - Spirulina can remove accumulated waste product in your colon, which may cause darker stool. Also, spirulina is high in chlorophyll. This will also turn waste matter green. 

· Excessive Passing of Gas - This may indicate that your digestive system is not functioning properly or you have an extreme build-up of gas. 

· Feelings of Excitement - Your body is converting protein into heat energy, which may cause temporary feelings of restlessness. 

· Breakouts and ITCHY SKIN - This is caused by colon cleansing process and is only temporary. 

· Sleepiness - This is caused by the detoxification process and may indicate your body is exhausted and needs better rest. 

Remember, your body may go through an adjustment period with spirulina, and your best bet to reduce reaction is to dose gradually to see how your body will react. Increase your water intake, reduce your stress levels, eat according to your nutritional type, and get plenty of rest. 

Important Contraindications for Spirulina:
            Even though spirulina is entirely natural and generally considered a healthful food, there are some contraindications you need to be aware of. You should not take spirulina if you have a severe seafood or iodine allergy. And, if you are pregnant or nursing or have hyperthyroidism, consult your healthcare provider before taking spirulina.

          As you can see, spirulina can serve as a potent "super food." Just remember to do your research and arm yourself with knowledge. It is the best way to take control of your health!...


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